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Our World

It seems that most typewriter lovers like the tick tick of the keys as they write the next prizewinning poem or book. They like the romance of the past and are disgruntled with the present. They want to believe the future will eventually come around to re-living a better day when mechanical contraptions made life easy, but not so easy that we lost a sense of reality and the deeper meaning of hard work.


We are not those people.


"To save time is to lengthen life." We enjoy the luxury of a good tablet with a cup of machine-made coffee, the free time to work on antiques because we wrapped up our work day with the speed of a word processing computer and Microsoft Excel, the comfort of an air conditioner, and the ability to look up how to clean typewriters on YouTube, purchase typewriters on eBay, and research typewriters in and at lightening fast speeds. Where would we be without the aid of a 3-D printer to fix our precious typewriters' feet? The problem with today’s efficiency mechanisms is not efficiency itself, but how they are used, or abused. That is why after a long day at work we silence the work phone, tell our Echo to play Late Night Jazz on Spotify, open a jar of Mother's Mag Aluminum chrome cleaner, and settle in to work on our beloved typewriters.

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